Meditate With Me!

life mind

You are efficient.
A do-er, a thinker.
A giver and a problem solver.
You are juggling a lot and have high expectations of others but especially yourself.

Your goal is connection- better connection at work and in your personal life. Your goal is to improve communication- for it to not be so strained.

Your goal is less stress, better sleep, health and joy in ALL areas of life. Even the hidden, challenging areas of your life that you dare not show and often ignore cause it is the ONE area you have not been able to “fix.”

This was me too…and one major lesson I have learned to reach my goals is presence and taking a pause to quiet the mind and awaken to the core and heart… so I can hear what my soul needs. Not just what others need or what I THINK they need.

Meditation has helped me so much with being centered and efficient so I can be ME. 

So, find a moment and meditate with me! 

Click here to enjoy a one minute Nature Meditation


Click here for an 8 minute Find Your Focus Guided Meditation


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You are not alone, dear one. I have worked withĀ hundreds of women all over the world who have learned to Connect with their CORE Wisdom and claimed massive clarity to takeĀ meaningful action and reach their goals.

We areĀ divinely invitedĀ Ā to step back into our CORE joy and wholeness that can become fragmented as life begins to spin in so many different directions.Ā 

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