Living from the Core
Self Grounding + Sacred Sisterhood Membership
to Help You Flourish
Are you needing space?
for clarity & direction…
for personal AND professional purposeful awakening?
Your Core is Calling You
It is asking you to shift.
From survival, stress and too many “juggling it all alone” moments
to a golden opportunity to
All while doing so IN a sacred community with others.
When one rises we all rise.
We are not meant to compartmentalize our lives or ourselves. We are meant to return to Wholeness.
During this 1 year Membership you will gather consistently with other amazing women to center yourself + connect with others in meaningful ways.
You will embark on a one-of-a-kind Living from the Core Experience to reawaken YOUR Courage, Confidence, Authenticity, Clarity and Action.
And! Something mystical + backed by science happens- when one rises...we all rise!
Research shows when women gather- a hormonal stress release response occurs. We are meant to lift each other up in our unique ways!
Sadly though, if you do not know how to hold space for another or yourself, then being in groups with other women can be pretty triggering.
During the year, you will learn the art of Living from your Core while also practicing Sacred Communicating.
Do you know how to remain true to your Core Self while listening and interacting with others? No one teaches you HOW to "hold space" and release the pattern of trying to fix everything for everyone else. Here, in this community- you will learn how AND you will practice consistently to remain in your body and true to You while communicating, listening and interacting with others. In the safe cocoon of this year-long sisterhood you will practice living authentically from your Core while allowing others to do the same! So that everyone can go out into their career and personal relationships stronger, more grounded and clear as we all flourish +thrive!
Together we will join an intimate gathering space where not only will you learn to live from your Core, but through sisterhood, stories and sacred tools, your experience will be deepened by being with others.
Chances are, you have been taught how to push, how to tackle a huge to-do list and achieve at a fast rate.
I bet you even know exactly how to power through with a smile to get the job done WELL.
I know personally how hard it can be to be a connected, effective person seeking meaning, calm, joy and peace but internally feeling stuck, frustrated, tired, overwhelmed and not good enough.
I also know how easy it is to put off thinking about the struggles or solutions- there are so many other people and tasks you are juggling and responsible for.
You are not alone, dear one. I have heard from women all over…this is a common problem.
I have an extremely unique lifestyle “solution”
So very often the solutions you desire (or gave up on long ago) lie behind the curtain of your current overwhelm. Big, bright, shining, compassionate and door-opening solutions.
It’s time for the external You and the internal You to resonate.
In order to live in a state of inner calm, joy and confident clarity (and truly be of benefit to those around you, and your community)
it starts with you and your Inner Core!
What is inside deserves attention and space to breathe. Space to rest, to create and to be given permission. That is the journey we will be embarking on.
This is not a quick fix. This is a one of a kind living, breathing, evolving lifestyle where individually + in sacred community we learn to Live from the Core.
This lifestyle is where your Inner Wisdom and all areas of your life connect and flourish.
The Container for Your Journey
I have combined three main containers into your year-long journey that will guide you!
This is an experiential lifestyle practice- where time and time again you will learn and then put into practice what you discover from your Core. (This is not a module, training based program where you stay in your head and are so busy learning you do not ever really practice)
The C.O.R.E Alignment Method
This is my Life's Work! This is the most under utilized, vital ways to ground yourself and reconnect to your own authentic Soul Truth whenever you feel stuck.
C: You will learn what the physical Core is and how to engage and release it well. You will also learn the intersection between the physical Core + Pelvis with your emotional, mental state and spiritual Self!
O: You will be guided through Seasonally Themed practices and monthly online gathering practices where you will Open and Overcome hidden blocks that keep you feeling stuck and not making the life and career progress you desire.
R: You will be guided through practices (during the monthly gatherings + online resources) to Reconnect to Your Inner CORE Wisdom. You will gather a Word, Phrase or Visual directly from your Core Self that will guide you as you set intentions and goals for yourself & live out your day to day life.
E: You will learn and practice Emerging together! Having a deep personal shift and transformation means little unless you can ACT and practice communicating and living in alignment with your True Self.
Living by the Seasons
You will practice this CORE Alignment Method mentioned above through the gentle and transformative practice of Living by the Seasons!
You will have access to a membership portal with a Workbook, Audio Training and Healing Meditative Practice to honor & close the end of each season, and call in the essence of the coming season. This practice also happens together, during monthly gatherings.
Monthly Personal Intention Setting by the Moon Cycle
I have personally discovered through my own mentors, such as Laura Thompson Brady, the gentle and profound practice of setting "monthly" intentions via the moon cycle (you will also set intentions at the beginning of each Season! Think quarterly goals but gentler and in alignment with your Higher Self)
By coupling the CORE Alignment Method with Living by the Moon Cycles- you will be guided to access a message from your Core Self, via the Pelvic+ Core Wisdom Meditation (you can try this for free here).
This is a highly effective way to tune into how to set personal intentions + goals for yourself each moon cycle (aka month).
The benefit of this trifecta is that you will be living in Flow! In alignment with your Soul, the natural rhythms of Life, with beautiful sisters around you, supporting you.
You will have more success, greater ease in your life and solutions and gifts that previously seemed so out of reach (financial, professionally, relationship wise) will start flowing too.
When your Internal is Tended to your External Environment will Flourish too.

The Details:
Sacred Welcome Package
I looove gifts and especially where I can let my intuition + energy healing work fly! This package will help enhance your personal experience throughout the year.
Monthly Sacred Gatherings (via Zoom)
This is where we practice the art of authentic communication!
You will learn how to "hold space" and engage in deep and honest listening + authentic sharing! I learned this vastly helpful way of listening and communicating from my mentor, Anna Pittman, and am excited to practice this together in our group. During these monthly Sacred Gatherings we will also practice in real time the Core/Pelvic Wisdom Meditation to gather your Word for the Month- this is how your Soul can guide you in your focus for the moon cycle + helps set intentions.
Other tools, trainings and time to connect will be included.
Beginning and Ending of the Seasons Ceremony Tool
Through a workbook, audio training + guided meditation process, you will be able to Close and then Welcome each new Season with a fresh perspective! It is vital to review, celebrate and recalibrate each season (yet how often do you do this on your own?) These tools will be available in your Member Portal + will also happen intermittently in the Sacred Gatherings on Zoom.
Curated Workbooks & Worksheets
Guided Reflection & Sacred Tools to ground, center and renew.
Simple Tracking Tools
You spoke and I listened! It is so easy to lose track of progress + positive changes. But not here!
You will be able to track your personal progress throughout the year in several ways. Firstly, via the Beginning + Ending of the Season Ceremony Tools mentioned above.
Also, a tracking tool to collect your Pelvic Wisdom Words and Intentions will be given.
You will also fill out intake reflection forms at least 2 times throughout the year to center yourself and stay focused.
Private Community Platform
To stay connected, share, uplift, gain insight and be with others.
Dr. Sara will also be encouraging meet-ups, phone calls and other ways to get to know your new friends in this sacred experience.
This is currently housed in a Private Facebook Community. (We attempted an off facebook option. That may be visited again in the future).
Fall Retreat
We will gather to renew and reclaim in a hugely transformative weekend process. Previously this was an optional add on, but this has been found to be an integral part of the Membership. The planned weekend is November 15-17th, 2024 (LFC Members will arrive Friday 15th and non members will arrive Saturday 16th). Learn more and sign up (non-LFC members only) here!
Optional Addition to Your Journey:
Deeply Discounted 1:1 Private Mind-Body-Soul Mentoring Sessions
For as long as you are in the membership, you will have access to 5 deeply discounted 1:1 sessions with Dr. Sara Smith.
Deeply Discounted 1:1 Private In-Person Mind-Body-Soul Retreat
This personalized 2 hour retreat takes place in Dr. Sara's Zen Den in Gloucester VA. *An online option is available upon request.
Ready to Live from the Core?!
Join Now!
See what women who have been in this community have to say. Please also access the full, uncut interviews here.
Sometimes you don't know how much your life has changed until you review it.