How are you?

body mind musings

A poetry musing, from my soul to yours. 


This musing, titled "How are You?" speaks to the hidden inner pain points, both physical or emotional and the way out of such suffering.

Background music ~ Dive In, by East Forest

A complimentary worksheet is also available to you by clicking here.  It couples with this poem to assist you in connecting with the Core of your Soul, if you desire to dive deeper into your Core Wisdom.


Instructions to connect with this creation:

Take a moment for yourself. 

Inhale deeply and slowly...


then let it all go, breathing out slowly and intentionally through your mouth.

Release your abdomen, jaw, eyes and pelvic floor. 

As you listen, think about how you have been doing

Really feel into your mind and entire body including heart and pelvic core. 


and just allow yourself to be.





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We areĀ divinely invitedĀ Ā to step back into our CORE joy and wholeness that can become fragmented as life begins to spin in so many different directions.Ā 

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